District Overview
Our mission is to develop a community of learners who are prepared to live, work, and contribute to an ever-changing society. To deliver on our mission, we offer a range of academic programs and services, from pre-school to adult education.
The success of our vision and mission depends on the active participation of our entire community. We invite you to engage with us as we embark on this exciting journey to reenergize, renovate, rebuild, and repurpose the Flint Community Schools District. Together, we can create a thriving educational environment that inspires excellence and fosters growth for generations to come.

Re-energize the Pride.
Renovate the Plans.
Rebuild the Possibilities.
Repurpose for a Brighter Future!
Vision and Strategic Priorities
As we move forward together; the Flint Community Schools District is committed to creating an environment where every scholar can thrive. Our vision is built upon four key themes that reflect our core values and aspirations for the future of our schools and community.

Student Achievement
Student achievement should drive all decision-making; literacy and numeracy proficiency for all students is the key to independent life-long success.
With shared accountability from families, schools, and the community, our primary responsibility is to teach the whole child.
Building capacity in leaders and staff is essential to increasing effectiveness, promoting global awareness, and sustaining improvement.
We believe that educational transformation is possible when a collaborative culture is cultivated with students at the center. By working together—families, educators, and the community—we can create an environment where every student is empowered to succeed and reach their fullest potential.
Whole Child
At Flint Community Schools, we are committed to teaching the whole child by fostering a partnership of shared accountability among families, schools, and communities. Our focus is on addressing every aspect of a child's development—academically, socially, emotionally, and physically—to ensure they thrive in and beyond the classroom. Together, we create an environment where each child can reach their full potential.
Human Capital
We believe that building capacity in our leaders and staff is essential to driving effectiveness, fostering global awareness, and sustaining long-term improvement. By investing in professional growth and leadership development, we ensure that our team is equipped to inspire, innovate, and lead our students toward success in an ever-evolving world.
Climate And Culture
We recognize that a positive school culture and climate is the foundation for meaningful change. By fostering an environment of respect, support, and inclusivity, we create the conditions where students, staff, and the community can thrive and grow, paving the way for lasting transformation and success.
Overall, Flint Community Schools’ approach integrates rigorous academic goals with a broad vision of student welfare and staff development, aiming to cultivate an educational environment that is transformative, inclusive, and forward-thinking. This approach by Flint Community Schools blends rigorous academic objectives with a broad commitment to student and staff well-being, fostering an educational environment that is transformative, inclusive, and progressive.

About us
At Flint Community Schools, our priority has always been, and will always be, our scholars. We offer a learning environment designed to better the education, health, and well-being of our school community, as we are committed to excellence in academics, transparent communication, and connecting with the community to remain and maintain our vision, Flint-focused.
We are tremendously proud, and grateful that we can provide a diverse range of opportunities for all of our scholars, from grade Pre-K to 12. These programs include, but are not limited to the list provided.
We offer more services than any other school district.
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
After-school tutorial programs
All-day Kindergarten with Ready, Set, Succeed Kindergarten Transition Partnership
Alternative learning programs
Community education with the Flint Center for Educational Excellence with Community School Directors
Competitive athletics programs
Cranbrook Institute of Science Partnership
Credit recovery classes for scholars and also support for scholars who receive IEP services
Diverse Libraries in every classroom
Dual enrollment
Early Childhood Services: Through district programs and community partnerships services are provided for scholars birth-4 year old
Early Childhood Special Education Classrooms
Early Childhood Partnership with the Flint Institute of Music
Family Engagement Facilitators who direct program activities, and resources providing opportunities for family involvement.
Free breakfast and lunch for all students
Fine arts programs
FIAA-sponsored staff music and dance therapy support
Flint Community Schools Cares in partnership with Chartwells to provide free food assistance during the holiday season.
Fully functional science labs
Genesee Career Institute (GCI)
Genesee Health Plan - Community Health Workers
Genesee Health System (GHS) partnership for mental health services
Head Start - GSRP Program
HBCU Tours
Immunization clinics to increase access to state-required immunizations.
In school and community job placements
iPads, Chromebooks (2:1 Ratio), and Promethean boards for improved student learning
Learning Support Services (LSS) K-12 - Project Find, Evaluations, IEP services including School Psych, Social Work, OT, PT, Speech, HI consult, VI consult, ASD consult, O and M.
McKinney Vento Services
MICI classrooms, resource room classrooms, and push-in services
Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Supports
Mindfulness Spaces
Montessori programs
Navy Junior ROTC
Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) lab for career exploration
Project Find is available for all young people from birth to age 26.
Safety advocates in every building.
School linked Child Adolescent Health Center for middle and high school students.
School wellness program that provides nursing and clinical therapist services within the buildings
Secure vestibules in newly renovated buildings
State-of-the-art maker space and STEM programs
Student Success Technicians (SST) provide reading intervention services for scholars K-3.
Swim Lessons
Summer School Programs PreK-12
Transition Services through Michigan Rehabilitation Services, WIOA, Disability Network, and GHS for scholars with disability. Coordination of services with GISD.
Weapons detection - State of the Art.
Wellness check-ins