English Language Learners

Spanish Translation:
Empoderando la educación: El compromiso de las Escuelas Comunitarias de Flint con los estudiantes ELL. Leer es soñar con los ojos abiertos.
Arabic Translation:
تمكين التعليم: التزام مدارس فلينت المجتمعية بطلاب ELL. القراءة هي الحلم بعيون مفتوحة.
English Translation: Empowering Education: Flint Community Schools' Commitment to ELL Students. Reading is dreaming with open eyes.
Empowering Education: Flint Community Schools' Commitment to ELL Students
This summary highlights Flint Community Schools' unwavering commitment to enhancing the educational experience for English Language Learners (ELL). With a primary goal of increasing scholar access to quality education, the ELL Program provides vital guidance and support to professionals involved in the education of ELL scholars. The district's dedication to accommodating the growing number of second language learners is emphasized, reflecting a strengthened commitment to creating inclusive learning environments and providing essential support services for ELL scholars and their families.
The identification process for ELL students is outlined as mandated by the state of Michigan. New scholars must complete a Home Language Survey (HLS), enabling the district to identify those requiring ELL services. In cases where a language other than English is indicated on the HLS, an assessment is conducted within 30 days of enrollment. The evaluation determines a scholar's eligibility for ELL services, and if eligible, the scholar is appropriately placed in the ELL program. This comprehensive approach ensures ELL scholars receive the necessary support to thrive academically within the Flint Community Schools.
The primary goal of the ELL Program is to increase student access to quality education, while providing guidance and support to other professionals within the school community who are involved in the education of ELL students.
To accommodate the growth in the number of second language learners coming to our district has strengthened its commitment to provide appropriate learning environments and support services for second language learners and their families.
Identification of ELL Students
The state of Michigan requires that scholars new to District complete a home language survey (HLS) in order to identify those students who may require ELL services.
If a language other than English is indicated on the HLS, an assessment is given within 30 days of the student's enrollment. The assessments, determines a student's eligibility for ELL services. If a student is eligible for ELL services, the student will be placed in the appropriate program.